A Thousand Kilometer’s

"Don't forget the cologne, the red one, not the blue one", "Oh and the present too, carry it with utmost elegance" I reminded myself Too cliché to carry a bouquet? Oh No! Should've worn the flats, Or shall I go with the sneakers, "Don't mess it up, please, act normal!"  Exclaimed my brain Should I... Continue Reading →


And the fight just got a new turn,It was the 100$ bill,We both fought on who would be paying for it,"Men don't have to pay, we can split it" She whispered to me,"I agree, we can split after we reach home" I reacted."And there you go, Doctor is diverting the topic again" She responded with... Continue Reading →


Her dad showed her a match on matrimony saying that they may receive a call, as the guy viewed their contact number. He looks familiar, she thought. She recollected that she did not pay heed to his profile on matrimony 5 months ago when her mom showed her. అతను సేల్స్‌ఫోర్స్‌లో పనిచేస్తున్నాడా?  [Does he work for... Continue Reading →

Two Hearts on a Cold Street

A beautiful melancholy, A composition that was brand new, Never heard, Never seen before, A first-hand experience, The way they coupled their hands together, Forming a perfect grip, A grip that would never loosen, The way their eyes met, followed by their souls, It was different, A bit unique, They weren't searching for a destination,... Continue Reading →

Ain’t gonna be Shy about it!

It quite amazing, Everything was so perfect, The long journey, The breeze finding its way through your hair, Leaving an amazing essence in the air, It was something different, The Sense of Completion, The Sense of Fulfilment, There's something more to everything they say, If ever asked, I would just demand your time and presence,... Continue Reading →

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