A Lost Choice

Upon my return from the day's toil and fray,A peculiar sensation, a feeling of disarray,A touch of joy, whispering of the respite I crave,Yet, who was I fooling, knowing tomorrow's emotional wave? My mind, a restless entity, yearns for more,A life of leisure, it simply abhors,It craves the nourishment of challenges, statistics, and riddles,Thirsting for... Continue Reading →

Swapped Stories

When I gaze at my reflection, A mirror shows a ghostly figure, drained of color, vigor, and affection, I glimpse a world, A world of stories, Stories that lived and breathed, and traveled through the ages, I relive the happy times, I savor every second, But they fade away like mist, along with my dreams,... Continue Reading →


Aren't we all, All about the stories, Each character carries a different essence, an Enigma, Every individual fighting their battles in silence, Reeking sorrows, Bleeding battle scars, Aren't we all broken, Broken apart. United by little moments of Togetherness and Warmth, A bunch of Roasted Marshmallows, as we stick together, trying to find our own... Continue Reading →

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