A Lost Choice

Upon my return from the day’s toil and fray,
A peculiar sensation, a feeling of disarray,
A touch of joy, whispering of the respite I crave,
Yet, who was I fooling, knowing tomorrow’s emotional wave?

My mind, a restless entity, yearns for more,
A life of leisure, it simply abhors,
It craves the nourishment of challenges, statistics, and riddles,
Thirsting for problems, like a parched land for drizzles.

In the sea of faces, a solitary soul was I,
Walking the same path under the same sky,
What sets us apart, in this human race,
Are biases, coloring our life’s space.

As I surrendered to sleep’s gentle sway,
The day felt different, in an inexplicable way,
As if something was lost in the journey’s tide,
Was it a choice, or a lifestyle, that had quietly died?



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