Where the Stars End

It was beautiful, As she lay her head on her Dad's lap, She was able to recollect all her childhood memories, How her Dad used to bring various snacks for her, The Corn with a drizzle of lemon zest and chilly powder on it, He used to treat her like a Gem, The one which... Continue Reading →

You Gotta Stick by me

No one could ever understand him, It was not because he was dumb, It was not because no one knew sign language, It was just that no one tried to see through him, Everyone tried to Communicate, But failed to Sense, Everyone told him stories of "Success", But no one acknowledged his past Wins, Was... Continue Reading →

Change Is All We Need!

Well, before I take you to the mysterious journey where you find hundreds and thousands of loop holes present in the Education system(in India) followed by the mindset of students in this so-called Education system.. let me ask you a simple question, Why should everyone study/learn the same subject? We have an education system that doesn't... Continue Reading →

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