
What does it take to save a soul with a few words?

Do you remember how you taught me not to be socially awkward amidst a crowd of thousand listeners?

I still do remember you playing with the pen cap while giving a presentation to subdue your stage fright,

Do you remember how I used to sit on the pavement away from those cliché cafes at college?

While you would just be there, taking a stroll along with your girl-friends,

Do you remember how things went south at a point of time for me?

I was a stubborn, strong-headed person, but broke down once,

Once in my life-time to an extent when I cried before you,

Hiding my now turned red-like-tomato face,

And you just consoled me magically within few minutes,

And people say you can never have a true friend,

Do you remember when I pulled out a flip phone om my pocket?

And you couldn’t control your laughter,

Called me a person hailing from the medieval period, I did enjoy that humor, but had to give those tough looks,

Life was a beautiful mess back then,

And now, here I stand,

Amidst lakhs of human beings, Narrating my story,

Wish you were always by my side on the stage, Not in the crowd,

But you are one of a kind, As I quote,

The thick-skinned, “lost-in-her-own-world” kind of person,


Life is all about those little memories with your loved ones that are meant to fade away, Capture them in your stories while you can, else they would be long lost in the History 🙂

– Dr. Kalyan Parimi, 2020



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12 thoughts on “Marriott

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  1. Something everyone can jog back to late memory lane after reading these words. Beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.Little moments are worth remembering. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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